Rose Bay Secondary College

Opportunity Achievement Community

Telephone02 9301 0300

Attendance and absences

School starts each morning at 8:50 am, students attend roll call 10 minutes before Period 1. All classes finish at 3.00pm except on Tuesdays, when staff and professional development meetings are held.

An integrated sports program operates at Rose Bay Secondary College with each year group attending sport during period 5 on a different day.

Year 7 – Wednesday
Year 8 – Friday
Year 9 – Monday
Year 10 – Thursday

 Extended Leave – Travel

If your child is away for more than 3 school days you will need to complete the application for extended leave on School Bytes. Relevant travel documentation will need to be supplied along with supporting evidence for the purpose of the trip. 

Exception forms are required for absences for elite sport events, elite arts program, employment, or employment in the entertainment industry. See the DET's policy on school attendance.

Absence from School

If a student is absent from school their parent/carer is asked to notify the school via School Bytes. If a student is marked absent a SMS will be sent to the parent/carer to notify them of the absence.

Late Arrivals (after 9.00am)

Students who arrive to school after 9.00am MUST report to the student counter located in the front office to sign into school. They will be issued with a pass to present to their teacher.

Truancy from class

While enrolled at Rose Bay Secondary College, all students must attend all timetabled lessons. Truancy and lateness to class is educationally disruptive to individuals and the whole class. If a student is marked absent without a valid reason the class teacher and faculty head teacher will implement disciplinary action which could involve detention, after-school detention, period monitoring, placement on a discipline level and referral to the deputy principal if appropriate.

Leaving the School Grounds

No student is to leave the school grounds without permission. If a student needs to leave early their parent/carer are asked to notify the school via “Forms” in SchoolBytes.  The student will be issued with a leave pass from the Administration Office on signing out of the school.

All communication on leave must be directed to the school office through SchoolBytes.

The student must not leave the school before obtaining the pass or he/she may be stopped by the police and returned to the school. 

Sport Early Leave

Sport is an important part of the school curriculum. Parents and students are encouraged NOT to make appointments during sport time. However, if this cannot be avoided the early leave pass is to be presented to the Deputy Principal before school or at recess on sport day. 

Sickness or Injury

If the student is sick or is injured, a teacher should be notified and, if necessary, the student will be taken to the main office to be attended to. If it is serious the parent/carer will be notified.