Rose Bay Secondary College

Opportunity Achievement Community

Telephone02 9301 0300


Assessment planners

These pages provide you with a term overview of assessments for each year group.  They provide a general indication of assessments that are coming up.  In general they show which week the assessment is intended to be run. In a large school there are often conflicting events which may cause the actual date of the assessment to be rescheduled and there may be a need for assessments to be added, deleted or amended in some way. As much advance notice as possible of changes will be given in writing by the relevant classroom teacher.

Please click through to the year pages to view the planners; Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11Year 12.

The tasks themselves are available in google drive on each of the year pages or can be accessed directly below

Assessment policy

Click here to view the Assessment policy for RBSC students.


Illness/misadventure application form Year 7-10

Illness/misadventure application form Year 11-12

We are pleased to provide a whole school ALARM matrixALARM note taking scaffold and ALARM sample.


Year 9 and 10 subject selection information 2024-2025

Stage 5 subject selection 2024-2025

Year 11 and 12 subject selection information 2024-2025

Stage 6 subject selection 2024-2025

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