Find out about our location and transport details to make getting to school safe and easy.
Our school is located at:
34A Hardy Street
Dover Heights NSW 2030
School buses are available to take students to and from school. The major routes pick up and drop off students from Bondi Junction interchange, Watsons Bay, Randwick, Maroubra and Edgecliff.
Routes available as of January 2023 are detailed in this leaflet.
Network map for Sydney's CBD, eastern beaches and inner south eastern suburbs
Other network maps
Other Sydney buses may be useful for students.
You can download timetables for the following routes:
- 323
- 324
- 325
- 379
- 380
- 386
- 387
- 389
Transport for NSW – student codes of conduct when travelling.
For independent travellers
Talk safe travel with your high-school-aged child including:
Subsidised school travel
Transport for NSW provides subsidies to assist school students.
- The School Student Transport Scheme provides eligible students with free or subsidised travel on public transport between home and school.
- The School Drive Subsidy may help towards the costs of driving children to school if you live in an area where there is no public transport.