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Rose Bay Secondary College

Rose Bay Secondary College

Opportunity Achievement Community

Telephone02 9301 0300

Religion and ethics

NSW schools offer special religious education and special education in ethics. Approved providers deliver these, where available.

Rose Bay Secondary College allows for Special Religious Education (SRE) for Y7-10 students and Voluntary Student Activities (VSA’s) of a religious nature for all years in line with Department of Education policies. SRE was formerly referred to as Scripture.

What is SRE?

SRE is education in the beliefs and practices of an approved religious persuasion. Under the Education Act 1990, s. 32, government schools allow time for special religious education. It is delivered by authorised representatives of approved religious groups to students who have nominated that religion.

What are VSA’s?

Voluntary student activities of a religious nature in schools (VSA) are any activities of a religious nature, including those provided by religious organisations. VSA is not part of special religious education (SRE) and is not part of the curriculum. VSA operates under the auspices and supervision of the principal.

What Options are available for SRE at RBSC?

Rose Bay Secondary College Provides 3 SRE Options

Option 1: Jewish (delivered by NSW Board of Jewish Education)

Option 2: Combined Christian SRE delivered by Hillsong under the Australian Christian Churches approved provider.

The combined arrangement includes the Anglican Church of Australia, the Lutheran Church of Australia, NSW District, the Christian Reformed Churches of Australia, the Uniting Church of Australia, the Presbyterian Church of Australia (NSW) and the Australian Christian Churches.

Option 3: Catholic (delivered by the Catholic Diocese of Sydney)

What is taught in SRE?

Links to the curriculum are included for each SRE are provided below


Combined Christian


How often does SRE Occur?

SRE providers will attend the school twice a term. On these days, SRE lessons are provided during one period for Years 7 to 10. The period for each year group is changed each session to prevent SRE occurring at the same point on the timetable.

How do I Register my child for SRE?

New enrolments will select their SRE preference using the following letter included in the enrolment package. SRE preferences will remain in effect and can be changed at any time using the letter referred to above. Student who are on a SRE roll will be responsible for listening to announcements and attending SRE.

What will students who are not involved in SRE do during these times?

Students not attending SRE are given supervised alternative meaningful activities in their normal classes. Suitable activities may include reading, private study and completing homework.

What if I do not wish for my child to attend SRE?

If a parent or care giver has not set a SRE preference during their child’s enrolment or has selected nonattendance option for SRE in their enrolment they will not be allowed to attend SRE. They will attend normal lessons for supervised alternative meaningful activities.

Can I change my child’s preference?

Yes, at anytime you can write to the school to change your child’s SRE preferences.

Are there any other groups that meet of a religious nature?

Yes, these are referred to as a Voluntary student activity of a religious nature in schools (VSA). They are separate to SRE which occurs during class time and the groups meet during lunchtime. Currently there are two groups running 

  • Jewish Club (delivered by BJE)
  • Christian lunchtime group (delivered by teacher Timothy Jamieson and a Hillsong volunteer)

What permission is required to attend these a VSA group?

Before attending these groups students must return a permission note signed by a parent or guardian to the school office or emailed to. The note can be found here.

I need more information?

Please check the department website for more information on SRE or volunteer groups of a religious nature or alternatively contact the school SRE coordinator Timothy Jamieson.