Rose Bay Secondary College

Opportunity Achievement Community

Telephone02 9301 0300

Environment committee reusable coffee cups

Due to popular demand the RBSC environment team will be placing a second order for SOL reusable glass cups just in time for the Christmas holidays!

SOL reusable coffee cups are hand blown glass cups, equipped with a silicone lid and grip  (has the RBSC environment team logo) which allow your coffee to still taste great. They will be selling for $30 with the option of white or light blue, perfect for a large or regular coffee. They will be available for purchase from C Block staffroom or pay online (instructions below) and pick up from C block staff room. 

The environment team had great success selling SOL cups and sustainable wooden keyrings at Bayfest. We thank you all for the support! The funds are going towards a Native bee outdoor classroom garden to further boost the biodiversity of our school as well as our on going efforts to keep our school environmentally friendly.

Remember the environment team has meetings week A during break 1, feel free to come along!

To pay online click 'make a payment' at top of this page, follow the steps and under 'payment options' add "Environment Team Cups" as the description. Cost is $30. Reciept of payment then to be brought to the C-block Staffroom