Rose Bay Secondary College

Opportunity Achievement Community

Telephone02 9301 0300

Guest visit

Last week Rose Bay Secondary College was fortunate to receive a visit from NSW Minister for Education, Mr Robert Stokes, as well as our local member, Mrs Gabrielle Upton. Upon the minister's arrival, he was greeted by the principal and school captains Ashley Fyfe and myself at our new upgraded front entrance, a government funded project. It was a fantastic opportunity for myself as I'm currently undertaking legal studies so I was able to ask questions and clarify my inquiries with the Minister. Ms Bernadette Hayes, a P&C representative and chair of the P&C building subcommittee was also present and gave her perspective as a parent to Ms Upton and Mr Stokes.​ Mr Stokes kindly gave us three books as a donation to the library. 

 ​Our visitors were impressed with the new entrance, the new school administration area, and the jointly P&C & school funded upgrades to the canteen area and level 6.  Following the tour we gave our special guests, our visitors were greeted in a freshly painted classroom,  by the senior SRC ready to commence with a Q&A session. Mr Stokes gave us valuable knowledge of his role within politics and some inspiration to the leaders of the school. Prior to his departure, we all examined the state of our basketball courts and to everyone's surprise, Mr Stokes announced an upgraded educational and recreational resource will be replacing the basketball courts in which a multi-use court will be implemented for students to enjoy.

Jackson Fredericks
School Captain