Rose Bay Secondary College

Opportunity Achievement Community

Telephone02 9301 0300

Twilight SDD

staff training

On Wednesday afternoon March 6 after a long day of teaching, Rose Bay Secondary College teachers gathered at 4pm to take part in our inaugural twilight session.  This was the first of four afternoon sessions which replace the two staff development days usually timetabled after the last teaching day of Term 4 in December.

The session was a huge success – out of almost 80 staff attending, 97% reported that they were extremely or very satisfied with the session.

Sally Gorman, our Head Teacher of Mathematics, gave an enjoyable and informative presentation about using data analysis to inform better teaching practice. Staff confirmed they will use the SCOUT package in the future to analyse results in order to improve outcomes for our students.

Staff then met with their faculties to discuss curricula, planning and programs, and assessments. 

Our committed staff always appreciate these meetings as an opportunity to share strategies and discuss best practice.

After a brief break for a drink and a bite to eat, staff reconvened for Deputy Principal Ian Godby’s presentation, including role play and small group sessions, about managing complaints. Following the session, 97% of staff agreed that they would use the strategies presented in managing complaints.

Some feedback from staff showed the value of the session:

“Hopefully the next three sessions can be equally as enjoyable and beneficial”

“The twilight session was one of the best staff developments we had, in my opinion. The sessions were well structured, engaging presentations of relevant content.”

“[The twilight session] was very clear and relevant to the current needs in the school”

Thanks to Leah Moon and Kylie Biddle (Relieving Head Teachers, Teaching and Learning) for their assistance in running the event.