Rose Bay Secondary College

Opportunity Achievement Community

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RBSC holds world environment day event on June 5

Rose Bay Secondary College Student Representative Council hosted a whole school event to raise awareness about World Environment Day. This year's theme for World Environment Day was Air Pollution but as we are located on the coast we decided to take a Plastic Use and Coastal Management Focus for our own school event.

Guest Speakers Dylan Fitzsimmons and Will Jones discussed the importance of making small changes to our daily lives and having a strong voice for the environment, showing us amazing footage of the biodiversity of the Marine life at Bondi. Thanks for sharing this important message with us!

The IEF launched their Waste Not Wednesday, starting a campaign to compost the school's food scraps and provide nutrients for our worm gardens.

The Environment Committee reported back on their waste audit and taught us specific strategies to reduce our environmental impact, they also launched plastic free July. During July, students have the opportunity to sign up for workshops and make their own beeswax wraps and painted tote bags to reduce their single use plastic waste.

We had two wonderful musical numbers from Nathan and his band and the MEP strings group.

Finally, we had reports from the Community and Engagement, Sports and Arts captains on the current initiatives at the school. The day was a huge success with a whopping $775 raised for the Environment Committee initiatives. 

Thank you to all involved in the day, Miss Archer and Miss Chapman, Mr Waugh and our speakers, Seb, Val, Drew, Matt, Will, Kaitlin, Gabe and Jess.