Rose Bay Secondary College

Opportunity Achievement Community

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Very busy RBSC arts captain

Jared has had a busy week discharging his Arts Captain responsibilities. 

He hosted the MEP mid-year concert as well as sponsored the RBSC Junior Debating Challenge to generate debating and adjudication opportunities for junior and senior students respectively. 

On the weekend, Jared also represented RBSC, performing with the NSW Department of Education & Community Arts Unit Jubilate Primo Symphony Orchestra  where he holds the position of first flute. 

Her Excellency, The Honourable Professor Dame Marie Bashir AD CVO, former Governor of NSW (2001-2014) who is patron of the orchestra attended the event at the school hall of her namesake. 

Dame Marie Bashir studied the violin as a public school student and played music until the completion of her university studies. Although choosing to become a medical doctor, she is passionate about supporting music education for public school students.

She has also previously performed as guest artist with the Orchestra. Students from public high schools are invited to participate in this Orchestra which regularly holds concert performances across Sydney, including performing at the Sydney Opera House and at Anzac Day events. 

The Orchestra affiliated with the Arts Unit’s Expanding Horizons initiative and Jared was previously the benefactor of its reciprocal music exchange program with China. Over the weekend, the Orchestra played in combined concerts to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Strathfield Symphony Orchestra and to showcase the excellence of public school music education. 

In July, Jared will also be representing RBSC in the NSW Public Schools State Senior Wind Band, performing at the Sydney Opera House for the Arts Unit’s music festivals. Jared is honoured to be selected as first flute and section leader of the State Band  but what makes him proud is being able to represent RBSC on the Opera House stage in his full school uniform!