Rose Bay Secondary College

Opportunity Achievement Community

Telephone02 9301 0300

RBSC physics visits ANSTO

Year 12 HSC Physics and Investigating Science students visited the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation at Lucas Heights on Tuesday August 27.

Two visiting captains from Eden Marine High School were also lucky enough to join us on our visit.


While at ANSTO, we toured a range of facilities to see the production of radiopharmaceuticals and their manner of transport, the production of neutrons for use in a number of diagnostic and research fields, and the use of spectroscopy and diffraction to analyse very small samples.


Our students found particularly interesting the construction of the nuclear reactor and the safeguards around its use, as well as the range of uses for the whole facility. It was beneficial for senior Physics and Investigating Science students to see careers available to them in scientific fields in Australia, and to observe a successful science based industry located here in Sydney.