On Wednesday the IEF gave Toby and Nicholas a graduation extravaganza. We welcomed Ms. Bright, Ms. Archer and parents and friends, then the IEF performed their dance, Levitating. They had been practicing the dance with their Maccabi funded dance teacher Gabi Green and planned to have her lead at the Graduation. Gabi emailed that she has tested positive for Covid so we asked Evan Ryk to lead the students in the dance. Evan was magnificent and led the IEF through the dance beautifully. Next were speeches, then a trip down memory lane with images from the past 6 years on a Power Point, then the Graduation signed bears and the cutting of the cake. The Year 12 Year Advisors spoke and handed the graduates the yearbook and certificates. The big surprise was Santa who brought gifts for all, then IEF students sat down for a farewell feast. It was unanimous, Toby and Nicholas will be missed by all but we know that they are going on to bigger things.
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