Ms Archer, the new deputy principal, introduced herself and won everyone over by saying that she herself felt like she was “walking on sunshine” coming to Rose Bay every day.
A Year 8 band delivered a rousing performance before the SRC members for 2019 were announced. The school was introduced to the student leaders of each grade that will represent and voice the concerns of Rose Bay students for 2019.
Once the SRC badging ceremony concluded the Year 12 captains were introduced. Aside from the sports, environment and art captains there is the new addition of the community engagement captains. The vice and school captains gave speeches on what they hoped to bring to the school and informed us that anyone with ideas should feel free to approach them.
The last speaker of the assembly was Mr Smith, who talked about the annual month of Movember.
Movember is charity that raises money for men’s health by getting participants to grow a moustache to raise money and awareness over the 30 days of November. Rose Bay has its very own Movember team, fittingly named ’The Mo Men of Dover’. To take part, sign up and join the RSBC team.
To up the stakes, there are awards for the best moustache in various categories (ginger, silver, blonde, brown/black). Needless to say, there is also an award for the best student moustache: the ‘Minor Mo’ award for grades 10 & 11 and the ‘Mini Mo’ award for grades 7 through to 9.
On the first day of November, I mean, Movember, students were greeted by many bare-faced teachers who, with the help of the SRC, have so far raised $580 out of the target $5000. To help the Mo Men of Dover reach this target, please donate
Find out more in our Movember news article