Saturday 23rd March 8 am – 1pm 2019
We would like to once again invite all students and parents to come and work together with the staff at RBSC on a major spring clean around the college. This annual event is always a huge success with over 100 staff, parents and students in attendance completing a range of jobs from painting to gardening and everything in between. Please find below a “wish list” of tasks that faculties would like to work on for this working bee. Send an email to Kelly indicating the job you would like to put your name down for, please let use know if you can stay for the free sausage sizzle when you contact Kelly.
At 1.00 pm there will be a free sausage sizzle and drink for all participants. The award winning sausages that will be barbecued have been kindly subsidised by the owner of Auburn Meats Rose Bay, Brad.
Free lunch afterwards from 1pm - 2pm
Thanks to all Volunteers for letting us know you can help
Job Who Lunch?
Gardening Christiane,
Hannah, Mark No thank you.
Gardening Deb Lunch please
Honour boards/
Outdoor tables Brad & Bec
Anything Paul Lunch please
Gardening Justin
Gardening Michael
English room Lilian, Anju, Angelyn, Dora
English room Anna
sanding/varnishing Steven + 1? Yes please